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Are you looking for more info?
what is YTXViewers? and what it provide?
The first (Watch 2 Earn) web3 app for YOUTUBE!!.
how it works?
Easily send $YTXV to the treasury wallet when it is live and you will have the chance to pay your visitors and subscribers in this way you will get more visitors to your channel and people will get paid for watching your videos.
How much it costs?
Every cost is mentioned in your control panel all you have to do is to register and login to your control panel.
What are the rules accepted to share my links in YTXviewer?
You can only use YTXViewer under the terms and rules accepted by youtube. It is not allowed to share sexual videos, abuses, drugs, racism, scams or copywrited contents by youtube.
Will you ever ask for permissions to edit our channels or take data from it?
No one in YTXViewer team will ask for permission to get into your profiles, channels and videos, and we will not ask for any funds from you.
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